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Financial Services Guide (FSG)
Financial Services Guide (FSG)

Flash Payments - Financial Services Guide (FSG)

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Written by Support
Updated over a year ago

Provided by Flash Partners Pty Ltd (ABN 30 607 885 941)
Australian Financial Services Licence No. 480834
Issue Date: 30th May 2019

1. Important information

This Financial Services Guide (FSG) has been prepared by Flash Partners Pty Ltd ABN 30 607 885 941 (Flash, we, our, us).

This FSG is designed to assist you make an informed decision about whether to use our financial services. This FSG contains important information about: 

  • the financial services we provide and documents you may receive in respect of those services;     

  • the remuneration that we may receive for providing the financial services to you; and

  • how you can make a complaint to us, and how we will deal with your complaint. 

2. Documents you may receive 

We issue an online account (Account) and foreign exchange contracts (FX Contracts). FX Contracts are entered into between you and us to exchange a pre-converted currency with a foreign currency.

Before you acquire the Account or FX Contract, we will provide you with our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) which contains relevant details about:

  • significant features, benefits and risks of the Account and FX Contracts; 

  • information about the costs associated with the Account and FX Contracts and how we are paid; 

  • information about any tax implications that apply to the Account and FX Contracts; and 

  • information about the documents that govern the terms of the Account and FX Contracts. 

The terms of the Account and FX Contracts are contained in the General Terms, Website Terms and Privacy Policy which are available at our website at (Flash Terms). You should read the Flash Terms and any documents referred to in the Flash Terms before you decide to acquire an Account and FX Contracts. 

We may also publish guidelines regarding the use of the Account and FX Contracts on our website.

3. Financial services we can provide

We issue an online account (Account) and foreign exchange contracts (FX Contracts). FX Contracts are entered into between you and us to exchange a pre-converted currency with a foreign currency at an agreed effective exchange rate.

We do not transfer currency (whether inbound or outbound), but merely facilitate the transfer and for this purpose we will choose the payments infrastructure and networks that we consider the most appropriate through which the transfer will be made.We hold an Australian financial services licence (AFSL) and are authorised to provide the following financial services to retail and wholesale clients: 

  • provide general financial product advice on non-cash payment products and foreign exchange contracts; 

  • deal (issue, apply for, acquire, vary or dispose) or arrange for another person to deal in non-cash payment products and foreign exchange contracts; and 

  • make a market for foreign exchange contracts. 

We are independent, and not aligned with any product issuer or re-seller. We provide the financial services to you as principal and do not act on behalf of any other person. 

We may only provide you with general financial produce advice which does not take into account your personal circumstances and factual information. You should receive professional advice on whether the Account or FX Contracts are appropriate to your personal circumstances and objectives

4. How to provide us with instructions 

You can only open an Account through our website at To enter into an FX Contract with us, you must provide us with instructions through the Account. All other instructions (such as changing your personal details or withdrawing funds from the Account) will usually need to be provided through the Account. However in some circumstances we may allow you to provide such instructions by email or other means. 

We may provide you with assistance by email or through our ‘live chat’ feature on our website.

5. How we are paid 

We may receive the following remuneration for each FX Contract that we enter into with you. We do not receive remuneration for any other financial services we provide. The information disclosed in this FSG only includes the remuneration that we, our employees or associates may receive and not the total costs that you will incur in entering into an FX Contract. However these costs are disclosed in the PDS.  


We will receive a margin for every FX Contract we enter into with you. The margin is not fixed, and depends on the amount that is subject to the FX Contract and other variables, such as the pre-converted and foreign currency types. The margin will be disclosed to you at the time you enter into an FX Contract.

The margin will be payable to us in the pre-converted currency, and will be deducted by us before we exchange the pre-converted currency to the foreign currency. This will be deducted from the amount the overseas recipient or you receive. 


You wish to convert 1,000 AUD to GBP and transfer those funds to Joe Flash. The exchange rate we have quoted is 0.6090 GBP per 1 AUD and the margin is 1.50%. That means the effective exchange rate (the rate of conversion) is 0.5999 GBP per 1 AUD (0.6090 – 1.50%). We receive a margin of 15 AUD (1.50% of 1,000 AUD). 

Transaction fee

We may charge you a transaction fee in connection with the FX Contract, which will be disclosed to you before you confirm to enter into the FX Contract. The transaction fee will be payable to us in the pre-converted currency, and will be deducted by us before we exchange the pre-converted currency to the foreign currency. This will be deducted from the amount the overseas recipient receives.

Administration charge

We have the right to refuse to enter into an FX Contract with you. If we refuse, we may charge you an administration charge, which will be set out on our website. The administration charge will be deducted from the amount that is returned to your Account.  

6. How our employees are paid

Our employees are remunerated by way of salary and a discretionary bonus that may be paid by us from time to time. The discretionary bonus does not relate to general advice provided by the employees but rather is based on the individual performance of the employee (which is measured by various quantitative and qualitative factors) and our overall performance.  

7. Referrals and partnership programs 

If you are referred to us by a third-party, we may have an arrangement with that third-party under which you and the third party receive a benefit. That benefit may be in the form of a discounted margin or the payment of a referral fee.   

8. Remuneration disclosure

As the remuneration and benefits described in sections 5 and 7 cannot be ascertained at the time this FSG is given to you, you may within a reasonable time after receiving this FSG (and before we provide you with any financial services) request from us additional information in relation to the remuneration we receive as a result of providing those services to you.

9. Complaints

We are committed to providing you with exceptional services. However please follow the procedure set out below if you are not happy with our services: 

Step 1

Please contact us:

Mail:                  Level 26, 1 Bligh Street

                          Sydney, NSW 2000


Please explain the complaint in detail. We will review the complaint and, if possible, will seek to resolve it immediately. 

If you are happy with the outcome, you do not need to do anything further. However if you are not happy with the outcome, please contact us and our compliance officer will review your complaint and the proposed resolution. The compliance officer will contact you with his or her decision.    

Step 2

If you are not satisfied with the decision of the compliance officer or we do not respond to you within 45 days after you make the initial complaint, you can contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). We are a member of AFCA, which is an independent dispute resolution scheme. You can only complain to AFCA once you have followed the procedure above. 

AFCA’ details are: 

Telephone:          1800 931 678


Mail:                      GPO Box 3

                              Melbourne VIC 3001

You may also call ASIC’s Infoline on 1300 300 630 to make a complaint and obtain information about your rights.

10. Compensation arrangements

We hold professional indemnity insurance which covers the financial services we are authorised to provide. This professional indemnity insurance complies with the requirements set out in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

11. Associations and relationships

We are required to disclose any associations or relationships between us, our related entities and product issuers that could reasonably be capable of influencing the financial services we provide to you. No such associations or relationships exist.

12. Contact us 

Contact us at: 


Address:            Level 26, 1 Bligh Street

                           Sydney NSW 2000

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